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CD Titles: G through I

Stevie Ray Vaughan

Please contact me with your opinions and reviews of any import or bootleg CDs you’ve heard or have and I’ll add them to this list.

Each CD title is linked to the track listings and venue information at Bob Willmot's site.

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Goin' To San Antone

Going Down

Gone Fishin'

Good Vibes At The Spectrum

Greatest Hits Live

Greatest Hits Live

Guitar Boogie

Hawk On Fire

Hello Y'All
Important information about Colorado/New Mexico concerts and the supposed Auditorium Shores concert. Information about buying radio shows.

Homage To The Blues

Hound Dog Man

The House is Rockin'
Important information about Colorado/New Mexico concerts and the supposed Auditorium Shores concert.

The House is Rockin' 2
Important information about Colorado/New Mexico concerts and the supposed Auditorium Shores concert.

In 1978 There Was...

In Concert and Jamming

In Italy

In Memoriam

In Steppin'
Important information about Colorado/New Mexico concerts and the supposed Auditorium Shores concert.

In The Big Easy

In The Open

It's Still Called The Blues

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arrow to the previous page D through F

arrow to entry page  “Imports” Entry page

A through C

M through Q

R through S

T through Z

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